Flat file collection (legacy)
Scope and Contents
Inventory includes:
Cabinet A
Cabinet Drawer Level of Description Medium Collection (if given) Folder (or Item) Titles or Descriptions
1. Item Document Not Given (Acc. 1993.013.258) Incorporation Document of Minnesota Society Army of the Philippines
2. Folder Document Not Given
Charles A. Greene Promotion Certificates
Scrapbook F. S. Lakin Papers (Acc. 2006.149.10.i)
Mill Construction Unit No. 2, Regimental Headquarters, 20th Engineers
3. Folder Newspaper Not Given
3-page article from Minnesota Legionnaire on Special Forces in Vietnam Newspaper Not Given
Article from Minnesota Legionnaire on Norb McCrady and John Vessey
4 Empty
5 Empty
Induction Certificate for Robert S. Moore, Battery A, 125th Field Artillery, Duluth, MN
Photograph Not Given Rube Goldberg's Latest War Machine
Newspaper Not Given Newspaper pages with biographies of various soldiers
Document Not Given (Acc. 2004.085.6.i) Stationary packet from Charles L. Olson
Folder Photographs and Documents Not Given Items related to the service of Glenn L. Dahl, 1st Ranger Company, Korea
187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team Parachute Jump, Korea
Photographs Not Given Ranger Infantry Companies and Korean War Memorials
Newspaper Not Given 3 page newspaper article on battle of Chipyong-Ni with 23rd Regimental Combat Team in Korean War
Posters Not Given 10 posters showing timeline of Korean War
Poster promoting the Korean War Memorial
Poster Not Given Recruitment poster for Army Reserves
Poster Not Given "Army of One" recruitment poster
US Military Jeeps - Story of the Jeep
Posters Not Given Victory Map Set showing Weapons of Invasion
Photograph Not Given Restored Amphibious Jeep
Poster Not Given Famous Aircraft of the World
George H. Mallon Papers Copies of Award Documents
George H. Mallon Papers Certificate awarding Mu Nukoral to Mallon
Document George H. Mallon Papers Certificate awarding Medal of Honor to Mallon
Document George H. Mallon Papers Citation a L'Armee to Mallon
Document George H. Mallon Papers Certificate awarding Croix de Guerre to Mallon
1 Empty
2 Folder Maps Not Given (Acc. 2013.033.04) Maps of regions in France
Maps Not Given (Acc. 2013.033.04) WWI War Maps
Item Photograph Not Given (Acc. 2010.034.2) Human Statue of Liberty, Camp Dodge, Des Moines, IA
Document Not Given March on the Rhine poem
Document Not Given (Acc. 2004.016.7) Roll of Honor for Denver Ollom, Company E, 349th Infantry Regiment
Map Not Given Map of the Western Front in WWI
Posters Not Given WWI Navy Recruitment Posters
3 Item Document Not Given Roster of Company E, 135th Infantry, Camp Claiborne, LA
Document Not Given Roster of Battery C, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Cody, NM
Document Not Given Roster of Company L, 3rd Minnesota Infantry, Camp Cody, NM
Newspaper Not Given 1 page of newspaper from St. Paul Dispatch about training at Camp Ripley
4 Item Photograph Not Given Photograph of soldiers holding Jon Carry sign in Iraq
Document Not Given (Acc. 2007.068) Ballot for Afghani government
Map Not Given (Acc. 2008.017) Map of downtown Baghdad
Folder Document Not Given (Acc. 2005.097) Posters and bumper stickers from Afghanistan
Item Map Not Given Map of Eurasia
5 Item Poster Not Given WWII US Propaganda poster
Poster Not Given History Channel promotional poster on D-Day program
Poster Not Given (Acc. 2004.067) WWII poster promoting the purchase of war savings stamps
Document Not Given Copy of photograph in newspaper showing parachute troops landing in New Guinea during WWII
Poster Not Given (Acc. 2012.050) Poster showing the involvement of 3609 Quartermaster Truck Company during WWII
Poster Not Given 7 posters showing timeline events of WWII from the National Archives
6 Drawer Documents Not Given (Acc. 2005.089) Supply records of the 4th Minnesota Infantry Regiment during the Civil War
7 Item Document Not Given Copy of unit roster for Company I, 27th Infantry Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers in the Civil War
Document Not Given Brochure from Manassas National Battlefield Park with information on battles there
Map Not Given Map of the Gettysburg Campaign
8 Folder Document George H. Mallon Papers Reproductions of the certificates and photograph of George Mallon
9 Item Document Not Given Retirement Programs for James Sieben
Document Not Given VFW Certificate of Appreciation for Operation Desert Shield/Storm to 109th CS Company
Document Not Given VFW Certificate of Appreciation for Operation Desert Shield/Storm to 257th MP Company
Folder Document Not Given (Acc. 1978.007) National Guard Day Proclamations
Document Not Given MN National Guard 150th Anniversary Letters
Document Not Given Certificates of Appreciation to Miller Army Airfield for Winter Training
10 Empty
1 Empty
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Item Drawing Lacey Collection (Acc. 1979.002) Drawings of Battle of Manila
Map Not Given Maps of Luzon and Manila
5 Empty
6 Folder Document Not Given Review of the Conference on Limitations of Armanment
Folder Document Not Given Blueprints for Residences at Twin Cities Arsenal and Ordnance Plant
7 Empty
8 Empty
9 Empty
10 Empty
1 Empty
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
1 Item Map Adjutant General's Office Records Morrison County: Trunk, State Aid, and Rural Highways by Peter D. Carlson, County Highway Engineer (2 copies) [G4143.M6P1 193-M6]
Folder Images Adjutant General's Office Records USPFO Office Building Addition Floor Plan
Items Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Recreation Area Map [G4144.L73E63:2C2 s50 M566]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley and Vicinity [G4144.L3C5:2C2 s50 U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Training Center Area Map [G4144.L73:2C2 s50 M566]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Duluth Aeronautical Chart (2 copies) [G444.D9P6 1958 U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Lake of the Woods Aeronautical Chart [G4143.L4P6 1950 U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Index of Minnesota Topographical Maps [G4141.C5 1928 U5]
Folders Maps Kenneth Murphy Papers Maps - Main Post Fort Benning, Georgia [G3924.F73 1969 U5]
Maps Kenneth Murphy Papers Training - Maps/Poland [G6523.585C5 1953 .U5 1970]
Items Map Kenneth Murphy Papers Maps - Pusan, Korea [G7904.P987C5 s250 1960 .U5 1970]
Map Kenneth Murphy Papers Training - Maps/Korea [G7901.U4583 1957.U5 1970]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Minnesota State Fair / Plan of the State Fair Property
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Armed Forces Day / Outside Space Plot (Minnesota State Fairgrounds)
Map Mankato Armory Records, 1919-2001 The Drive Along Highway No. 9 (Italy) [G6713.E5S7]
Map Mankato Armory Records, 1919-2001 The Gothic Line to Mount Belmonte (Italy) [G6713.T857]
Map Mankato Armory Records, 1919-2001 The Final Victory: 34th Infantry Division (Italy) [G6713.M3357]
Map Kenneth Murphy Papers Map Showing Northern Pacific Railway System, Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy RR System
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Contonment Area [G4144.L73R:2C2 1958 M566]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Fort Ripley History / Fort Ripley Map [G4144.F673 1948 U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Damage Location Map to Accompany Request for Initial Engineer Inspection Survey Report
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Wilson and Company - Albert Lea, Minnesota Maps
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Swift and Cudahy Plants Strikes / South St. Paul (Op. Map No. 2)
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Wilson and Company - Albert Lea, Minnesota Maps
Folder Maps Adjutant General's Office Records State Missions - Swift Company Strike / Maps of Swift Company and Cudahy Packing Company
Items Map Adjutant General's Office Records Morrison County [G4143.M6P1 1936 M566]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Belle Prairie Township [G4104.B2938C5 1948 U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Contonment [G4144.L73R2:2C2 1966 M566]
Folder Maps Adjutant General's Office Records Special Adjustment Maps [G4283.P5R3 1937 .U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Twin Cities Sectional Aeronautical Chart [G4144.R5:2T9P6 1957 .U5]
Map Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Contonment [G4144.L732:2C2 1958 M566]
2 Drawer Maps/Images Not Given Maps and Blueprints related to Camp Ripley
Map Not Given Camp Ripley Reservation, Minnesota, prepared by Captain E. B. Miller, 206th Infantry
3 Items Image Not Given Blueprint for Camp Ripley Sign
Map Not Given Camp Ripley and Vicinity, Department of Defense, U.S. Army Topographic Command
Map Not Given China - Gulf of Pohai, Hydrographic Office, U.S. Navy
Map Not Given Camp Site, Lake City, Minnesota
Map Not Given Training Area Map, Camp Ripley, Minnesota
Map Not Given Camp Ripley, Minnesota and Vicinity Platte Sheet
Map Not Given 7th Corps Area Training Map, Camp Ripley Reservation, Minnesota
Maps/Images Not Given Set of maps and blueprints for additions to buildings on Camp Ripley, Army Corps of Engineers
Maps/Images Not Given Set of maps and blueprints for Rifle Marksmanship Course, Trainfire I
4 Items Map Not Given Map of Bordeaux [France] and Vicinity, Office of Chief Engineer, Base Section No. 2
Map Not Given Map of southwestern France, Base Section No. 2
Map Not Given Organization Chart, Base Section No. 2
Map Not Given Map of Bassens, Genicart, and Grange Neuve Camps and vicinity
Map Not Given Map of Bassens, Genicart, and Grange Neuve Camps and vicinity
Map Not Given Map of France and vicinity (French)
Map Not Given Map of France, western Germany, Denmark, and surrounding area (6 geographic sections)
Map Not Given German aerial photograph of Etaples, France
Map Not Given Map of Nikko and vicinity (central Japan)
Map Not Given Tokyo City Bus Routes
Map Not Given Marunouchi District (Japan)
Map Not Given Daitzu Shan to Fuchou Chao: Sounding Heights in Meters
Map Not Given Camp Drake, Tokyo, Japan
Map Not Given Map of Central Japan (6 geographic sections)
5 Drawer Maps Not Given Assorted maps, circa 1917-1945
1 Drawer Posters Not Given 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Posters
2 Item Map Not Given Map showing the travels of the 426th Medical Battalion in WWII
Folder Map Not Given (Acc: 2019.043) WWII Topographical Maps of the Fronts
3 Drawer Maps Not Given Assorted Maps, wide range of years and locations
4 Empty
5 Drawer Images Not Given Armory blueprints
1 Items Posters Not Given World War II Army Orientation Corps posters including maps, guides to vehicle identification, and Axis Power uniforms and insignia
Folder Images/Documents Not Given Copies of documents, sketches, and maps related to Fort Gaines and Old Fort Ripley (c 1840-1885), aerial photographs of site (20th C)
2 Drawer Images Not Given Prints and maps related to 19th C military, primarily Minnesota regiments in the Civil War and mid-19th century Forts Ripley and Snelling
3 Items Maps Not Given Two WWI-era maps of Germany
Document Not Given Souvenir of service in army occupation of Germany
Folder Images Not Given WWII aviation prints
4 Items Image Not Given Company C, 604th Engineers, State Rifle Range
Image Not Given (Acc: 2004.079) 4th Pioneer Infantry camp at Camp Wadsworth, SC (Acc: 04.79.11)
Image Not Given (Acc: 2004.066) A Troop, 17th Cavalry Regiment, El Paso, TX (Acc: 04.66)
Image Virginia Johnson Photograph Collection 139th Evacuation Hospital
Image A. J. Pappenfus Collection Engineers Band
Image A. J. Pappenfus Photograph Colleciton 43rd Engineers at Washington, D.C.
Poster Not Given Vietnam War poster with Vietnamese iinsignia
Poster Not Given South Vietnamese armed services orders and decorations
Image Not Given Print: "Brutus: Gun Trucks on Guard in Vietnam" by Peggy Robarge
Image Not Given Print of painting on international involvement in Korean War
Image Not Given Print of painting on 25th Infantry Division "Tropic Lightning" in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam by George L. Skypeck
Image Not Given Print: "Convoy Ambush: A time, and a place in Vietnam" by Peggy Robarge
5 Empty
1 Empty
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
Cabinet C
1 Folders Poster Acc 2017.071 WWII US Propaganda Posters
2 Folder Photographs Various 151st FA Photographs
Photograph Not Given 151st Field Artillery crossing German Border
3 Item Map/Document Not Given Map and Country Profiles of the Middle East by Military Living Publications (2 copies)
4 Item Poster Not Given Poster for "Gathering of Eagles" 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway at Midway Airport, Chicago, IL
Items Posters Not Given Posters and banners for Grocer-Consumer Anti-Inflation Campaign
5 Folder Maps Map Collection Victory War Maps
Item Poster Not Given "The Nerve System of the Army" (reverse: "Newsmap") by Army Orientation Course, Special Services Division, Services of Supply
1 Items
Images/Document Not Given Camp Dix Pictorial Review 1, no. 9
Document Not Given American Crusaders: A Portfolio and Manual of the World's Greatest War
Document Not Given Mid-Week Pictorial 8, no. 1 (published by New York Times))
Newspaper Not Given The American (published in Manila)
Newspaper Not Given Freedom (published in Manila)
Newspaper Not Given The Manila Times
Folders Posters Poster Collection National Guard Recruiting Posters
Posters Poster Collection World War One Posters (Reprint)
Posters Poster Collection Battlefield Map Posters
Posters Poster Collection The World in Flames: World War II
Posters Poster Collection Marine Corps Recruiting Posters
Items Document Not Given Appointment Certificate of Corporal John F. Berg, 301st Guard and Fire Company, QMC
Photograph Not Given Battalion officers and 301st Cuard and Firce Company, Hoboken, NJ (port of embarkation)
3 Empty Not Given Pile of unassorted unit photos
4 Empty
5 Empty
Cabinet D
1 Items Photograph Not Given Co. M, 133rd Inf Reg., 34th Inf Div. firing mortars into Cassino, Italy
2 Folder Posters Acc. 1993.013 Navy Airplanes and portraits of unknown officers
3 Items Document Not Given Letter from Pres. Harry Truman thanking for great visit to Camp Ripley
Document Not Given Letter from Gen. John Pershing thanking the 206th Infantry for service in WWI
4 Item Photograph Not Given Signed photo of General John J. Pershing addressed to 206th Infantry
5 Drawer Posters Not Given Guides to insignia, unifroms, and decorations of various units and branches of service in American and British forces
6 Item Poster Not Given Guide to Civil War Corps Badges (1861-1865) by Sally Zastrow
7 Item Image Not Given Copy of painting "Custer's Last Fight." (original presented to 7th Regiment U.S. Cavalry by Anheuser Busch)
8 Empty
9 Empty
10 Drawer Images Not Given Ship and airplane blueprints, brochure for Historic Old Fort Niagra
1 Empty
2 Items Map Not Given German Map of Hagenau
Map Not Given Copy of map of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean
Map Not Given Finaland and Scandinavia (and Baltic states), Minneapolis Star-Journal
Map Not Given Map of Europe (with possible Allied invasion routes), Geographical Publishing Company
3 Items Poster Not Given USSR Field Uniforms, Defense Intelligence Agency
Poster Not Given "Fighting Men of the World" (drawings of British, American, Soviet, German, and Japanese soldiers)
4 Items Document Not Given Russ Hanson, letter to Clinton A. Caswell, USNR, donation thank-you for U.S.S. Des Moines Historic Ship Project
Image Not Given Print - Curtiss SBC-4 Scout Bomber, Squadron VS-2, U.S.S. Lexington
Image/document Not Given Picture of TBF being catapulted from U.S.S. Yorktown deck (May 1943) with timeline of Yorktown's actions since commissioning
Image Not Given Edited photo of U.S.S. Yorktown at Patriot Point, Charleston Harbor, SC by Bill Helms
Image Not Given Print - The Bridge of Narni by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot
Image Not Given Print - U.S.S. Des Moines (CA-134) by Michael Donegan (2 copies)
5 Folder Maps Not Given Copies of historic maps of Minnesota
Items Map Not Given Copy: Supply Road from Fort Ridgely to Fort Abercrombie (and surrounding area)
Map Not Given Copy: Preliminary Geological Map of Minnesota by N. H. Winchell, State Geologist
Map Not Given Copy: Map of Minnesota (Territory)
6 Item Poster Not Given Guide to Phonetic Alphabet
7 Drawer Documents Not Given WWI-era Minnesota Officer Appointment Certificates
8 Empty
9 Empty Not Given Pile of unsorted stuff
10 Empty Not Given Pile of unsorted stuff
Cabinet E
Items (roll 2) Document Not Given French Citation for 4th Brigade, Marine Corps (2 copies)
Document Not Given War Service Certificate of Richard L. Meyers, U.S. Marine Corps
Document/Poster Not Given New Chivalry of Humanity: Richard Lewis Meyers [Marine Corps]
Item (roll 3) Map Not Given (Acc: 2005.130) 7th Corps Map showing movements from D-Day to VE Day (Acc: 2005.130)
Items (roll 4) Poster Not Given French tourism poster: "Paris: VUE DE MONTMARTRE"
Poster Not Given Waco CG-4A Combat Glider print
3 Item Poster Not Given Photograph of Japanese surrender at the end of WWII
Folders Document Not Given Instrument of Surrender: Reproduction of Japanese Surrender
Document/Poster Not Given Enlistment and Discharge Records of Frank Hagerman, St. Cloud
Documents/Posters Multiple Certificates and Rosters
Items (in above folder) Document/Poster Walter Otte Collection New Chivalry of Humanity: William H. Bailey [Company C, 125th Infantry]
Document/Poster Not Given (Acc: 1986.006) New Chivalry of Humanity: Herbert B. Stone [Battery C, 151st Field Artillery] (Acc: 1986.6)
Document/Poster Not Given (Acc: 2004.085) New Chivalry of Humanity: Joel Olsen [Company B, 35th Infantry] (Acc: 2004.85)
Document/Poster 125th FA Association Roster: Battery A, 125th Field Artillery
Document/Poster Not Given (Acc: 1988.098) Roster: Company C, 2nd Iowa Infantry (Acc: 1988.98)
Document/Poster Not Given (Acc: 1988.098) Enlistment Certificate: William C. Henry (Acc: 1988.98)
Document/Poster Not Given (Acc: 2009.056) Enlistment Certificate: Nick Jaroszesoski (Acc: 2009.56)
Document/Poster Not Given Nepunus Rex Certificate: Fred J. Gartz
Document/Poster Jerome Winkler (Acc: 1991.078) Neptunus Rex Certificate: Jerome Winkler (Acc: 1991.79)
5 Folders Newspaper Vietnam Era Newspapers (Acc: 2015.045) Newspaper clippings from the Vietnam Era
Collection Newspapers Not Given (Acc: 1992.044) German newspapers (Acc: 1992.44)
Newspapers Not Given (Acc: 1992.044) German newspapers and other media publications (Acc: 1992.44.22)
Newspapers Not Given (Acc: 1992.044) Several German newspapers, June 5, 1944 issue of Daily Express (London) (Acc: 1992.44.24)
Item Newspaper Not Given Front page extra of Minneapolis Daily Tribune on surrender of Japan
Items (folder 1) Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 2010.084) Stars and Stripes (Acc: 2010.84.22)
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) The Call - Sunday Edition (Acc: 1979.2.24)
Newspaper Not Given The Doughboy Newsletter
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) The San Francisco Chronicle (Acc: 1979.2)
Items (folder 2) Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) Guide of Manila and Map of Manila and Suburbs
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) The American Soldier Newspaper
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) Freedom Newspaper
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) St. Paul Dispatch
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) Unknown Japanese Newspaper
Newspaper Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) Unknown Japanese Newspaper
1 Items Maps Not Given Ireland, 2nd edition, War Office (bound collection of maps)
Map Not Given Ireland, Sheet 318, 3rd edition, War Office
Map Not Given Map of Fort Campbell
Maps Map Collection 42nd Division Trails During WWI and WWII
Maps Maps Collection Itaska County Maps
2 Items Map Not Given Map of the Route of 15th Tank Battalion in the European Theater of Operations
Map Not Given Camp Ripley, Minn. & Vicinity Platte Sheet (Army Corps of Engineers, 7th Corps Area)
3 Items
Photograph Not Given Unknown cavalry colonel
Photograph Not Given Review of 1st Cavalry Division
Photograph Not Given Unknown colonel
Photograph Not Given Colonel John Montgomery presenting award to someone from MN Military Academy, 47th ID
Photograph Not Given Unknown colonel
Photograph Not Given (Acc: 1979.002) Colonel T. W. Hammond, 206th Infantry (Acc: 1979.2.24)
Photograph Not Given Colonel George C. Bookstauer, 6th Minnesota Infantry
Photograph Not Given Colonel W. D. Mitchell 6th Minnesota Infantry
Photograph Not Given Unknown colonel, 6th Minnesota Infantry
Poster Not Given (Acc: 1986.023) Official Roster: Battery C, 71st Field Artillery Battery
Poster Not Given (Acc: 1986.023) Official Roster: Company D, Quartermaster Battalion
4 Item Photograph Not Given Headquarters and Headquarters Unit, Fort Snelling - Lt. Col. John W. Campbell Commanding
Item Photograph Not Given (Acc: 2019.051) HZ Company, 205th Infantry, Camp Ripley
Folder Photographs Not Given Photos of various units
Item Photograph Not Given Aerial Photo of Camp Ripley
Photograph Not Given (Acc: 2011.088) Kelly Field, TX
Photograph Not Given (Acc: 2001.034) Camp W. Colvill, Lake City, MN
5 Folder Image Not Given Ink sketches of Korean War
Folder Documents Not Given Anniversary Souvenirs of the Indian Wars
Folder Photograph Not Given Photograph of Belleau Wood
1 Folders Images Tom Welter Collection (Acc: 1999.058.1) Military Uniforms of the Americas (108 plates, colonial to 1970s)
Posters Posters Collection Military Uniforms in America (plates)
2 Roll 1 Images Not Given Blueprints of Tracy, MN National Guard Armory - Architects Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte, and Comb
Roll 2 Images Not Given Blueprints of Tracy, MN National Guard Armory - Architects Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte, and Comb
Roll 3 Images Not Given Blueprints for Intrusion Detection Systems for Storage Vaults and Buildings at Camp Ripley
3 Items Map Not Given Minnesota National Guard 7th Corps Area Training Map, Camp Ripley
Map Not Given Unidentified map of North-Central Minnesota Area
4 Roll 1 Images Not Given Range Cards Using Traversing Bar and Elevating Mechanism Method, Gun #1, 1st Platoon, Company A
Roll 2 Images Not Given Maps and diagrams related to drainage system survey of areas surrounding Camp Ripley
Items (roll 3) Images Not Given Floor plan for Regimental Headquarters at "Military Reservation Little Falls, Minn." (Camp Ripley)
Images Not Given Site plan, Minnesota Military Museum, Camp Ripley, Minnesota (2 sheets)
Roll 4 Maps Not Given Mississippi River traced aerial maps
Roll 5 Images Not Given Plans for Fort McCoy Golf Course
5 Items (roll 1 tube) Document Not Given Stuart A. Lindman (Minneapolis, MN) Commission of Kentucky Cololnel
Document Not Given Stuart A Lindman (Minneapolis, MN) Certificate: Honorary Air Defense Artilleryman
Documents Not Given Stuart A Lindman (Minneapolis, MN) Four Certificates of Commission as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army
Item (roll 2) Document/Poster Daniel P. Ruch 4th Cavalry Commendation (Acc: 2005.130)
Item (roll 3 tube) Document Not Given Letter of Appreciation to Captain Victor F. Spelta, U.S. Army, from General Chung Il Kwon, Chief of Staff of Republic of Korea Army
Roll 4 Documents Barndt A. Anderson Certificates (Acc: 2000.124) Certificates of promotion of Barndt A. Anderson, Minnesota National Guard
Roll 5 Images Not Given Blueprints of Tracy, MN National Guard Armory - Architects Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte, and Comb
Roll 6 Images Not Given Blueprints of Tracy, MN National Guard Armory - Architects Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte, and Comb
1 Items (right stack) Photograph Not Given Company E, 1st Minnesota Regiment, San Antonio, TX
Photograph Not Given Company B, 2nd Infantry, Minnesota National Guard, Camp Lakeview - Capt. A. G. Chase Commanding
Photograph Not Given Compant E, 1st Infantry, NGSM, Camp Lakeview - Lieut. R. S. Bunker Commanding
Photograph Not Given Company C, 3rd Regiment, Minnesota National Guard
Items (left stack) Newspapper Not Given (Acc: 2009.033) Coming Back (Acc: 2009.33.14.1)
Document Not Given John Saastertand, Certificate of Appointment to Colonel, 14th Minnesota Volunteers
Poster Not Given Powell, "There is no North, there is no South, / There is no East or West today; / We're one big Nation, following - The Man and Flag who lead the way!"
Poster Not Given Uncle Sam "I want you for U.S. Army"
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Minnesota officers
Photograph Not Given Field and Staff, 2nd Infantry, Minnesota National Guard, Camp Lakeview - Col. Joseph Bobleter Commanding
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Minnesota soldiers and civilians, Lake City Hospital steps, Camp Lakeview
Photograph Not Given Unidentified group of soldiers
Photograph Not Given Company K, 1st Regiment, Minnesota National Guard
Photograph Not Given Aerial photo of Little Falls, Minnesota
Photograph Not Given Unidentified MP and State Patrol trooper in front of Minnesota-Ohio Oil Corp truck
Photograph Not Given 257th Anti-Air Battalion
Photograph Not Given Minnesota National Guard Duck Boats
2 Items (left stack) Photograph Not Given Unidentified Chicago police officer
Photograph Not Given John J. Pershing and other Allied commanders
Folder (labeled "Lindeman") Images/Documents Not Given Various images and documents related to the Army and Marine Corps Bands
Items (right stack) Poster Not Given "Home of Company D", 1st Infantry, Minnesota National Guard, St. Paul, MN
Image Not Given Aerial photo of Camp Ripley, MN
Right Stack (remainder) Images Not Given Images of various units and vehicles
3 Folders Images Adjutant General's Office Records Drawings/109th Squadron Hanger-Stair Detail
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Mess Halls Service Sink Plans
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Drawings/St. Paul Municipal Airport-Pistol Range Fire Exit
Images/Documents Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Construction Projects/Correspondence (Blueprint: USPFO; Building 15-2 Room Layout
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Building Plans
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Long Range Development Plan
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Water System Plans
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Areas Layout
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Incoming Power Panel Detail
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Areas Layout
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Plot Plan Areas 6 and 7
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley-Correspondence/Camp Expansion
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Riply Construction Projects/Correspondence [electrical projects]
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Proposed Addition and Remodeling: Alexandria Armory
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Extension of the Officers Mess Hall Plans
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Oil Burner System Central Heating Plan
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Central Heating Plant Building Mechanical Plan
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Drawings/109th Squadron Hanger Windows
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley-Construction Projects/Proposed Cable and Switchboard Arrangement Control Station
4 Folders Images Adjutant General's Office Records Blueprints/Proposed Radio Controlled Airplane Target Shop
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Cabinets and Storage Blueprints
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Division Headquarters Building Plans
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Conversion of 125 Tent Floors to Aluminum Hutments
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Construction/Maintenance for Buildings U-46, U-1, U-2
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Preliminary Drawinf No. 1: Camp Ripley Proposed Housing Complex (192 Man Type)
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Typical Switchboard Panel Detail
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Proposed Cable and Switchboard Arrangement
Maps Adjutant General's Office Records Locations of Minnesota Organized Maintenance Shops
Images Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Aluminum Hutments
5 Folders Posters Adjutant General's Office Records Constitution Bicentennial/Posters
Maps Adjutant General's Office Records Camp Ripley Restricted Areas Maps [G4144.D9P6 1958 .U5]
Posters Mankato Armory Records, 1919-2001 Desert Shield Vehicle Identification Posters / Ground Vehicles
Posters Mankato Armory Records, 1919-2001 Desert Shield Vehicle Identification Posters / Air Vehicles
Posters Adjutant General's Office Records National Guard Training and Exercises / National Guard Army Training Program Posters
Posters Adjutant General's Office Records Naitonal Guard State Missions / Poster: Flood Control Projects
Cabinet F
Folders Posters Poster Collection U.S. Navy Ships Posters
Posters Poster Collection U.S. Navy Posters
Posters Poster Collection U.S. Navy Recruiting Posters
Posters Poster Collection Uniforms of the United States Navy (1900-1967)
Posters Poster Collection Uniforms of the United States Navy (1776-1898)
Posters Poster Collection Marines Recruiting Posters, Undated
Posters Poster Collection U.S. Army Uniforms Throughout Time
Posters Poster Collection Marine Corps Uniform/Recruiting Posters
Posters Poster Collection Continental Army Uniforms Posters
Folders Posters Poster Collection U.S. Air Force Collection
Posters A.E. Ross Collection (Acc: 1993.45) C-5A Galaxy Profile
Posters Poster Collection World War II 50th Anniversary: U.S. Air Force Art Collection
Posters Leslie Ames Posters (Acc: 1991.61) World War One Posters
Posters Poster Collection Artifact Posters
Items (in above folder) Posters Poster Collection RF-4C Phantom II [signed by Lt. James Hamesuick]
Poster Poster Collection 35th Air Force Anniversary
Poster Poster Collection North American P-51D Mustang
Poster Poster Collection Boeing C-97G Strato Freighter
Poster Poster Collection Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Poster Poster Collection AT-6 Texan
Poster Poster Collection B-24
Poster Poster Collection Boeing C-97G Strato Freighter (Limited Cllectors Series)
Poster Poster Collection Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Poster Poster Collection (B-29) "On the I.P. Six Hours Out from Saipan
Poster Poster Collection (B-29) "High and Mighty"
Poster Poster Collection Lockheed Lodestar
Poster Poster Collection The Eighth Air Force Historical Society
Folders Posters Poster Collection World War II Figthers and Bombers
Posters Poster Collection Axis Power Artifact Identification Posters
Posters Poster Collection World War I Eagles
Posters Poster Collection U.S. Air Force Photo Posters
Posters Poster Collection Army Recruiting Posters
Posters Poster Collection Minnesota Regiments in the Civil War
Posters Poster Collection The National Guard Heritage: Citizen Soldier
Posters Poster Collection U.S. Navy Historic Events Prints
Posters Poster Collection Artillerymen Posters
Posters Poster Collection Department of the Army Posters: The U.S. Army in Action
Posters Poster Collection World War II 50th Anniversary Commemorative Posters
Posters Poster Collection Coors Salutes the Defenders of Freedom
Folders Posters Poster Collection The National Guard Heritage
Posters Poster Collection 11th Armored Division Crests
Posters Poster Collection Prose Posters
Items (in above folder) Poster Poster Collection John F. Kennedy - Civil Air Patrol Volunteers
Poster Poster Collection John Gillespie Magee Jr. - "High Flight"
Folders Posters Northern Pump Company Posters Collection (Acc: 1984.40) Northern Pump Company Posters Collection
Posters Poster Collection Desert Storm Posters
Posters Poster Collection Navy and Coast Guard Posters
Posters Poster Collection World War II Propaganda Posters
Posters Poster Collection World War II War Bonds/Stamps Posters
Posters Poster Collection Bill Maudlin Cartoon Signed by Major General Mooglein
Poster Not Given Korean War Memorial Poster
Poster Not Given 99th Inf. Memorial, Leadville, CO
Documents Not Given 99th Inf. Liberation of Norway Thank yous
Items (front stack) Photograph Not Given Medical Detachment 125th Field Artillery Camp McCoy, WI
Photograph Not Given A Battery 125th Field Artillery
Photograph Not Given Headquarters Battery 125th Field Artillery
Photograph Not Given Officer Candidate Graduating Class, Ft. Monmouth, NJ
Photograph Not Given 59th Field Artillery Brigade, Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial)
Photograph Not Given Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial)
Photograph Not Given Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial)
Photograph Not Given 109th QM, Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial)
Photograph Not Given Battery C 125th Field Artillery, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given Medical Detachment 151st Field Artillery, Camp Sparta, WI
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Unit (flag in background reads "11 C"
Photograph Not Given Aerial Photograph of Unidentified Runway, Compliments of 179th TRS, Duluth, MN
Photograph Not Given B Company 5th Infantry
Photograph Not Given Company B 205th Minnesota Infantry, Fort Snelling
Item (rolled) Photograph Not Given Infantry Section, Camp Forrest, Chickamauga Park, GA
Items (rear stack) Photograph Not Given Company M 135th Infantry (heavy weapons), MN National Guard (Appleton, MN) - Capt. Robert P. Miller Commanding, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given Banquet, National Guard Association of MN, Annual Conference, St. Paul Hotel
Photograph Not Given Company B 61st Infantry, Camp Wolters - Lt. Raymond J. Lewis Commanding, 1st Sgt. Elmer L. Baker
Photograph Not Given Company G Citizens Military Training Camp, Fort Snelling, MN
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Cavalry Unit
Photograph Not Given Battery E 151st Field Artillery, Minneapolis, MN (some names included with numbered copy)
Photograph Not Given Company K 338th Infantry, Camp Shelby, MS (last names on backside)
Items Photograph Not Given 43rd Company 161st Depot Brigade, Camp Grant, IL - Lt. G. Dickey Commanding
Photograph Not Given Flight 3413 Squadron 3719, Lackland Air Force Base Headquarters, Indoctrination Division, Air Training Command
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Anti-Aircraft Command Unit
Photograph Not Given Unidentified Artillery Unit
Photograph Not Given 109th Aviation, Summer Camp, Camp Ripley, MN (list of most names attached)
Photograph Not Given Supply Company 125th Field Artillery, Camp Stuart, VA
Photograph Not Given 2nd Batallion Headquarters Battery 125th Field Artillery, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given A Company 5th Batallion M.H.G.
Photograph Not Given 2nd Infantry MNG, Camp McCoy, Wi - Col. John Bucher Commanding
Photograph Not Given "JUST RETURNED FROM FRANCE" 20th Engineers, American Expeditionary Force, 6th Company
Items Photograph Not Given 508th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, Fort Benning, GA - Col. Joe S. Lawrie Commanding
Photograph Not Given Company D of Unidentified Unit of Army Corps Engineers, 24th Battalion (flag includes a "2", a "24", and an A")
Photograph Not Given Company 2 University of Minnesota Training Detachment, N.A., University Farm, St. Paul, MN
Items Poster MG James O'Brien "I Am The Guard"
Photograph MG James O'Brien Headquarters Company 135th Infantry Regiment
Photograph MG James O'Brien Company A 135th Infantry Regiment, Camp Ripley
Photograph MG James O'Brien 99th "Viking" Infantry Battalion, Parade
Photograph MG James O'Brien 47th Infantry Division Color Guard, Camp Rucker
Poster MG James O'Brien Honor Roll Roster: Company A 135th Infantry 34th Tank Division, Camp Claiborne, LA
Map MG James O'Brien Minnesota National Guard Unit Areas
Drawer inventoried and rehoused into folders. Feb 2023, DE.
Records not located:
Photograph 136th Regiment (2nd MN), New Mexico, "THE FIRST FULL STRENGTH REGIMENT: 'READY TO GO'" - Col. W. T. Mollison Commanding
Photograph Camp Lorin Cray, Lake City, MN (aerial photo)
Photograph US Army Training Detachment (acc 2018.047) Company A, US Army Training Detachment, Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, MN
Photograph Harold G. Balko (acc 2017.090) Battery B, 125th FA
Photograph Harold G. Balko (acc 2017.090) Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial)
Photograph Harold G. Balko (acc 2017.090) Battery B, 125th FA at Camp Claiborne, LA
Photograph Jake and John Ebensteiner Photographs, 1917-1919 Camp Hancock, GA (Acc: 2013.34.08)
Photograph Jake and John Ebensteiner Photographs, 1917-1919 Machine Gunners of Group 2, M.T.D., M.G.T.C., Camp Hancock, GA
Photograph Jake and John Ebensteiner Photographs, 1917-1919 Company K, 3rd Battalion, Group 2 M.T.D., M.G.T.C., Camp Hancock, GA - Sgts. R.J. McAdams and L. J. Fleming
Photograph Jake and John Ebensteiner Photographs, 1917-1919 Machine Gun Insignia (posed group photo of 22500 men), Camp Hancock, GA - Brig. Gen Oliver Edwards Commanding, Lt. Col. E.P. Pierson Directing
Photograph Joseph S. Nowalk Papers, 1917-1919 (Acc: 2013.034) Panoramic Photograph, Camp Dodge, IA
Photograph 175th Regional Training Institute Records, 1945-2002 (Acc: 2015.42) 3rd Class, Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers School, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given Motor Transport Corps: Overhaul Park 716 (Acc: 2015.027)
Posters WWI Roster Posters of the 151st FA (Acc: 1982.006) Rosters of headquarters company and battery C of the 151st Field Artillery
Folder Photographs Photographs from Minnesota Historical Society Panoramic Photographs of Minnesota Units from the Spanish-American War to World War II
Photograph Not Given Inspection by Lt. Col. McIntyer, USA, 7th Training Battery, Fort Snelling, MN
Photograph Melvin Miller Collection, 1989 Company A, 13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Photograph Not Given Company C, 135th Infantry
Photograph Not Given Company D, 135th Infantry, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given Medics, 135th Infantry, Camp Ripley, MN (Acc: 2003.004.4)
Photograph Not Given Company D, 1st Infantry Minnesota National Guard, Camp McCoy, WI
Photograph Not Given Medical Company, 135th Infantry, Camp Ripley, MN (Acc: 2010.004.03)
Photograph Not Given Band, 135th Infantry (Acc: 2006.106.2)
Photograph Not Given Band, 1st Minnesota Infantry (Acc: 2008.106.1)
Photograph PH 8 Howard R. Rettman Photograph Collection, circa 1950 47th Infantry Division Color Guard, Camp Rucker
Photograph PH 9 Alfred Barnett Photograph Collection, 1942 Company A, 72nd Training Battalion
Photograph PH 10 Jerry Beilby Photograph Collection, 1938 7th Tank Company, Fort Snelling
Photograph PH 13 (Acc. 2014.071) 135th Infantry Regiment Band, Camp RIpley
Photograph PH 14 (Acc. 2014.085) Company C, 339th Machine Gun Battalion
Photograph PH 15 Company I, 136th Infantry Regiment, Camp Rucker
Photograph 125th Field Artillery Association Collection (Ass: 1991.120) Non-Commissioned Officers, Battery A, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Stuart, VA
Photograph 125th Field Artillery Association Collection (Ass: 1991.120) Service and Band Section, 125th Field Artillery - Capt. Arthur W. Beschenbossel Commanding
Photograph 125th Field Artillery Supply Company (acc: 2006.073) Panoramic photograph of 125th FA Supply Company at Camp Stuart, VA
Stack (front stack) Photographs Not Given Panoramic Photographs of 125th Field Artillery at Camps Ripley, McCoy, and Sparta
Stack (left stack) Photographs Not Given Panoramic Photographs of 125th Field Artillery at Camps Ripley, McCoy, and Sparta
Items (rear stack) Photograph Not Given Battery B, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Claiborne, LA - 1st Lt. Orville K. Johnson Commanding
Photograph Not Given Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial photo)
Photograph Not Given 59th Field Artillery Brigade, Camp Claiborne, LA (aerial photo)
Empty Not Given Pile of unsorted rolled items
Items Photograph Not Given Company C, 135th Infantry Regiment, Camp Rucker, AL (some names given
Items Photograph Not Given Service Co., 135th Infantry Regiment moving to safer spot while in San Benedetto Area, Italy
Photograph Not Given Service Co., 135th Infantry Regiment moving to safer spot while in San Benedetto Area, Italy
Photograph Not Given Company B, 135th Infantry Regiment, Tazzola area, Italy
Photograph Not Given 135th Infantry Regiment inspecting Italian tanks taken in surrender of 75th Corps, Ivrea area, Italy
Photograph Not Given Company C, 135th Infantry Regiment, attending church services in Tazzola Area, Italy
Photograph Not Given Conferring at the Anzio beachhead
Photograph Not Given Liberated citizens of Bologna, Italy, welcome troops of the 34th Division
Photograph Not Given Soldiers walking down street of destroyed buildings
Photograph Not Given Co. I, 135th Infantry Regiment rolling victoriously into Parma, Italy
Items Photograph Not Given Regimental Headquarters Battery, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given D Battery, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Ripley, MN
Photograph Not Given C Battery, 125th Field Artillery, Camp Ripley, MN
Stack (front stack) Photographs Not Given Photographs of 125th Field Artillery
Item (front stack) Photograph Not Given 34th Infantry Division Association, Minneapolis, MN
Stack (rear stack) Photographs Not Given Photographs of 125th Field Artillery
Item (front stack) Map Not Given Tourist Map of Istanbul
Stack (front stack) Photographs Not Given Photographs of 125th Field Artillery
Folder Photographs Photograph Collection Army Air Base Bainbridge, GA
Items (in above folder) Photograph Photograph Collection Aerial View of Army Air Base, Bainbridge, GA
Poster Photograph Collection National Insignias
Photograph Photograph Collection B-17 Visiting Army Air Base, Bainbridge, GA
- 1917 - 2010
- Event: Donors, donation date, and accesion numbers indicated seperately when known.
Conditions Governing Use
MMVM does not hold copyright to this collection. We recognize that it is incumbent upon the researcher to procure permission to publish information from this collection from the owner of the copyright.
500 Linear Feet (All flat file stacks (A thru F).)
Language of Materials
- Status
- In Progress
- Author
- Daniel Ewer, Archivist
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum Repository
Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum
Camp Ripley
15000 Highway 115
Little Falls MN 56345 United States