Bakeman, Mary papers
Scope and Contents
Box 1:
USB thumb drive: Citizen soldiers.mdb, Civil War.mdb, Pension files.mdb
Publication: Guide to Resources for the Mixed-Breed Tract, known as the Half-Breed Tract
Publication: Minnesota Pension Applications from the US/Dakota War of 1862
Publication: A Genealogist's Guide to Researching Civil War and Dakota Conflict Ancestors in Minnesota
Publication: Emergency Aid for the Sufferers- Claims from the Dakota Conflict and Beyond Suppliment, St. Paul/Ramsey County, 1962-66
Publication: Minnesota's Mounted Minute Man: Frontier Militia 1863-1865
Publication: Claims from the Dakota Conflict: Supplying the Local Militia- Vol 6 Dakota Territory
Publication: Aftermath: The Dakota Diaspora after 1862 by Robert J Werner
Adams, Petronella
Ahrens, Fred
Alldrich, Cyrus
Alldrich, Willam F.
Ahern, Bridget
Allard, Maxine
Allen, John
Altnow, Charles
Altnow, Henry
Altnow, William
Alwin, Wilhelm
Amiot, Eugene
Andrews, Charles
Anderson, Joseph
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Ole
Anfinson, Gilbert
Angier, Henderson
Armstrong, Jennie and John
Arnold, John
Atkinson, James
Back, Henry
Baker, A
Backland, Stina?
Bade, Henry
Bandelin, Peter
Barbier, Jacob
Barrety, James
Bauermeister, John
Baumler, Edward
Baxter, Robert, Elizabeth
Beatty, William
Bebo, Francis
Bebo, Frank
Bebo, Peter
Bell, Elizabeth
Becker, George
Begart, Cas?
Behrmenn, Henry
Benning, Christopher
Belden, George
Benjamin, John
Belden, WP
Bennett, Abner
Bennett, James
Benson, Peter
Bernard, Josepha
Berthiaume, Rock
Bibeau, Edward
Bielke, William
Blair, Charles
Blank, Daniel
Bode, Henry
Boesch, Anna
Bosche, H
Bond, Corydon
Boock, Friedrich
Boesche, Werner
Anderson, Magnus
Borchers, Ludwig
Bourat, William
Boyer, Mary
Bradford, Jennie
Bradshaw, John
Branham, Jesse
Brown, Angus
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph R.
Brown, Susan
Buchanan, Cullen
Buck, Hiram
Buder, August
Buehrer, John
Buggert, Louis
Burbank, JC and HC
Busser, Wn
Butterfield, Josepa L.
Byrnes, Daniel
Byrnes, John
Box 2:
photocopy of Lower Sioux Indian Community, Docket No 363, total disbursements for fiscal year 1864
Campbell, Antin
Campbell, Jeremiah
Canfil, Oscar
Cantwell, Mathew
Carey, Warren
Carpenter, David
Carroll, William
Cartledge, William
Casemere, Bragleau
Casey, Gerald
Casey, Frank
Caster, Jacob
Castor, John
Charpentier, August
Chisholm, Daniel
Chubb, Prentiss
Cirkler, Herman
Clasen, John
Clausen, Martha
Cloutier, George
Cochrane, James
Colby, Cyrus
Colby, Freeman
Cole, Edwin
Colledge, John and Mary
Constans, Henry
Cook, Alma
Cornelius, TJ
Cornell, James
Corr, Dennis
Corr, John
Corr, Thomas
Cournoyer, Anthony
Coursalle, Joseph
Covell, George
Coyle, Cornelious
Cramsie, Edward
Crawford, Charles
Crays, james
Crevier, Adolph
Crevier, Peter
Criswell, George
Cuniff, James
Cross, Daniel
Cummings, Michael
Curran, John
Dahl, Gulbran
Dailey, Mary Jane
Daschbach, Franz
Davids, John
Davis, Michael
Davis, Richard E.
Dean, FB
DeCamp, Jeanette
Darnell, William
Delaney, Daniel
Demarais, Joseph
Demarais, Narcisse
Democ, Soloman
Demueles, Zephirin
Denzer, Fredrick
Detandre, Christian
Devine, James
Diamond, John
Dickenson, James F.
Dickenson, Joseph
Dietrich, Ernst
Dietz, Adolph
Dietz, August
Dietz, Heinrich
Diepolder, Henry
Dodge, Trustum
Dohlbrink, John
Dow, Henry
Dow, Leander
Dunn, Elizabeth
Dodd, William
Doyle, John
Drexler, Benedict
Drew, Carter
Druger, Fredrick
Dudley, William
Dukes, Aaron
Dumarce, Francis
Dunham, Thomas
Dunn, James
Durnahn, Jurgen
Box 3:
Ebell, Adrian
Eberhart, Henry
Ecke, Anton
Eckstein, Pat/Elroy
Edwards, Allan M. and Clara
Edwards, Elizabeth
Edwards, Hugh
Edwards, John B.
Eganhofer, Theresa
Eickmeier, Daniel
Eis, William
Eisenreich, Balthasar
Ellsworth, Frederick
Ellis, Alva
Emde, Frederick
Endreson, Guri
England, William
Erickson, Christian
Euni, Benedict
Evans, David
Everson, Lewis
Estes, John G.
Fadden, James
Fallon, James
Fallon, Mary
Fallon, Michael
Farrabach, Maria
Feder, David
Feie, Ole
Fenn, Benjamin
Fenske, Julius?
Fimeyer, Joseph
Faribault, David
Findley, Angeline
Findley, Russell
Finnigan, Patrick
Fisher, Jasper
Fisher, Richard
Fitch, Caroline
Fitch, Edwin
Fitzgerald, Edward
Flanders, Joseph
Flynn, Ann
Foote, Silas
Foote, Soloman
Forbes, William
Fortier, Joseph
Fos, John K.
Foos, nathaniel
Foster, Reuben W.
Frank, Charles
Frank, Christian
Franklin, Benjamin
Freeman, Ambrose and jane Elizabeth
Frenier, Narcisse
Friend, George D.
Frisbie, John J.
Freeman, Jack
Frithoff, Peter
Frishby, Phillip
Triton, Johan
Fritsche, Ernst
Fritsche, Frederick
Fuller, Adelia
Furgeson, Thomas
Gager, Henry
Gagnon, EE
Gagnon, Joseph and Mary
Gahring/Gehring, Jacob A.
Ganske, Michael
Garrison, Nehemiah
Gaulke, William
Gaulke/Giulke, Ferdinand
Gerboth, Gotlieb?
Gedosch, August
George, Sylvester
George, Thomas
Gerstenhauser, Eugene
Gervais/Gervice, Francis
Gibbons, Robert and Ellen
Gill, Frank
Glacis, Jacob
Glasser, Peter
Gluth, Christopher
Goodell, Ebenezer
Goodnow, George
Gorman, James
Graham, Charles
Grandmeer, Henry
Grasinger, Ladislaus
Grawi, August
Greenwald, August
Gross, Philip
Gudth, Judith
Guerin, Narcisse
Gulden, Nicholas
Gunderson, Svend
Guttrict, Benjamin
Box 4:
Hack, Anton
Haack, max
Haft, Wilhelm
Haag, Christian
Hallowel, Michael
Halverson, Gregar
Halverson, Lars
Haeberle, Jacob
Hammett, Richard
Hanley, Michael
Hanrahan, Ellen
Hanson, Christopher
Hanson, John C.
Harmon, James H.
Harrington, Benjamin
Harris, Jesse
Hart, Michael
Hayden, Mary
Hays, Mary
Healmer, Michael F.
Heerd, Paul
Heffron, Mary
Heimerdinger, John and Regina
Heintz, Peter
Hemphill, Eugene L.
Herman, Josephine
Hern, David
Hern, Margaret
Henness, Peter
Hennessey, Charles
Henry, Lewis
Herman, Elizabeth
Hermann, John
Heer/Heuer, Charles
Heywood, George
Highland, Vespucius
Hill, Henry
Hill, Horace
Hills, David
Hoback, Richard
Hobby, Louis
Hodge, William
Hoer, George
Hoerr, John William
Hoffman, JC
Hoffman, Karl
Holbrook, David and Ellen
Holl, Franz
Holm, John
Hough, Alva
Howland, Nathaniel and Matilda
Howe, Henry
Hub, Jacob
Humphrey, Philander
Hunter, Alexander
Huntington, Hallam and James
Hurd, Mathew E.
Hurley, John
Husted, Wilson
Inenfeld, Wilhelm
Ingalls, Jedidiah
Inmans, Thomas and Ellen
Irish, Isaac D.
Ives, Russel
Irvine, Salome?
Irvine, William
Jans/Janes, William H.
Jansen, Stephen
Jaques, William
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Anna Catherine
Johnson, CH
JOhnson, Gustavus
Johnson, Hans
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, John
Johnson, Lornets?
Johnson, Ole
Johnson, Richard M.
Jones, Charlotte
Jones, George
Jones, Robert
Jones, John S.
Joos, Adam
Judd, John S.
Box 5:
Kasberger, John
Kastner, John Fedrich
Kaula, John
Koch, John
Kellene, Charles
Kennedy, Jeanette
Keck, John
Keene, Abel and Josiah
Kendal, Edwin B.
Kerr, John
Kerrigan, Michael
Kiesling, August
Friends, Betrayal and Murders, Massacre of the Paul Kietzmann Party by Curtis A. Dahlin
Kimmett, Caspar
Kinkead, George B.
Kivch, Nicholas
Kirschstein, Ferdinand
Kittleson, Ole
Klingbeil, Christoph and Mary
Klinkhammer, Nicholas
Klock, August and Mary
Klock, Katherine
Knusez, Jacob
Knodl, Joseph
Knudson, Brytina
Koch, Ernest G
Kochendorfer, Catherine
Kogler, Ignatz
Konze, John
Kopitz, Adolph
Kratke, John P
Krause, Frederick and Bertha
Krells, Frederick
Krieger, Bernhard
Krieger, Justina
Kuehnel, Gottfried
Kulp, Washington
Kumro, Johan
LaBatte, Francois
LaFrambois, Joseph
LaFramboise, Julin and William
Lamb, Chauncey
Lamb, George S
Lambert, John
Lammas, Sophia
Lange, William
Laroche, Leonard
Larsen, Lars Jr
LsSarte, Francis
Latimer, Alexander
latimer, James
Lawrence, Lorenzo
LeClaire, Baytiste
LcClaire, Suprier?
Lednhardt, Rudolph
Leish, Theodore
Leiminger, Martin
Lennon, Mary B.
Lettere/Lettan, John
Lewis, Lewis D.
Lewis, Isaac I.
Lewis, Morris
Lewison, Lewis
Lewis, Oscar P.
Ley, John
Lillequist, Nels
Lindmen, Samuel Magnus
Lindquist, Charles F.
Little, David
Loehrer, Joseph B
Loomis, Almond?
Luck, Wilhelm
Lueders, Wilhelm
Lull, CPV
Lusky, William
Box 6:
Maloney, William
McAllen, Peter
McAllister, Juliette
McAlmond, Hugh L.
McBride, Robert
McCann, Denis
McCasker, Fergus
McClasky, Archibald
McClennan, John and Eunice
MColley, James
McConnell, Ellen
McConnell, Joseph
McCreary, James
McDaniels/McDonalds, nathaniel
McDougald, Duncan
McGraw, Nelson
McKenzie, Jennie
McKinney, Martin
McLean, Moses
McLean, Rosalie
McLeod, Alex and Nancy
McNutt, Robert
McQueen, William
Madigan, James
Maher, Lewis
Manderfeld, Anton
Mankato Mills- Amos B Seward, Abel Keene, LF Barney
Manning, Patrick
Mannweiler, Wilhelm
Mansfield, Martin
Maroney, Michael
Martell, Oliver
Martens, Johann
Martin, Joseph
Mattson, Margaretta
Matterson, Oliver A
Mattison, Henry
May, Sebastian
Mayerle, John
Mayhew, Thomas
Mayer/Meyer, Johan and Anna
Meyer, Matthias
Meyer, William
Michaelis, Johann and Maria
Middlebrook, Stephen
Mikelson, Nils
Miller, John N.
Miller, William
Mireau, Moses
Mirth, Christopher
Misensol, Bridget
Mochow, Frederick
Mohn, Mathias
Mohr, John
Mohr, Jonas and Mary
Molitor, Theodore and Grasinger, Latislans
Mondloh, John
Montgomery, Thomas D
Moores, Phebe
Morehouse, Walker
Morin, Theodore
Muller, Dr Alfred
Muller, Eliza
Murphey, Michael
Muther, Lorenz
Myers, Aaron
Nash, Elisha
Neil, James and Mary
Neley, John
Nelson, James
Newcombs, Martin V
Nierenz, Julianne
Norcutt, Britannica
O'Brien, Bridget and Edmond
O'Loughlin, Patrick
Obitz, Carl
Ocobock, Lockhart
Olsen, Anna
Olsen, Caroline
Olsen, Thord
Olsen, Tore
Olsen, Lars
Olsen, Ole
Olofson, Jonas
Oleson, Mons
Olsen, Helge
Oleson, Isabella
Olsen, John
Olson, Simon
Oleson, Pertronella
Olsen, Salve
Oleson, Levina
Olson, Kari
Osmondson, Thomas
Otto, Henry and Wilhemina
Otting, Henry
Outcalt, Robert Jr
Overbaugh, Mary D and Agnes
Owens, Barnet
Owens, George
Pagels, August
Palmerson, Anna
Palmerson, Maria
Parker, Alvin
Parsons, Pierce
Pasquenade, David
Patten, Philip
Petwell, Francis, Francois Patiole, Josephine Patrile
Paulson, Gunder
Peltier, Bartholomew
Pelgl, Johann
Pereau/Perrault, Eliza
Peterson, Julia
Pelzl/Pelzel, Victoria
Peterson, Jonas
Petterson, Neils
Peuser, Frederick/Caroline
Peuser, Wilhelm
Pfaff, Catherine
Box 7:
Pickard/Piquar, Elizabeth
Prescott, Philander
Provencalle, Louisa
Pierce, Frederick
Piper, Jefferson
Pugh, John E.
Pitcher, Nathaniel
Poland, Simon
Poncin, Charles
Pool, Richard
Popping, Xavier
Potter, Calvin
Powell, Charles
Powers, Mary
Prellwitz, August
Price, Rowland
Probstfield, Paul
Pullman, Friedrick
Quigley, William
Quuane, Jeremiah
Quinn, Peter
Rabidow, Baptist
Randall, Wilhelminn
Ranney, Harvey H
Rauch, Peter
Razey, Silas
Reed, Lyman
Reef, Emanuel
Rehfeld and Beinhorn
Reimer, Frederick and Harmon
Reiter, Nicholas
Renville, Gabriel
Reynolds, Joseph B
Renville, Joseph
Resca, Henry
Reynerson, James M
Reynolds, Francis
Reynolds, Valencia
Rhoades, Harrison
Riaf, Gottlieb
Richardson, Eliphalet
Richter, Christian
Richter, Theophilus
Rieke, Mary
Rieman, August
Riggs, Isabella
Riggs, Martha Taylor
Riley, James
Rinshed, John P
Robecka, Frederick
Robert, Louis
Roberts, Owen
Roberts, Robert W.
Roberts, William
Roberts, William J
Robertson, Jane
Robertson, Thomas A.
Robideaux, Magliore
Rosinette, Joseph
Robinette, Venessa
Robinson, James O
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William R
Roepke, August
Roesler, John
Roeser, George
Rogers, S Gilman
Rosencrantz, John
Rothstein, Peter
Royle, Charles
Reef, Eustus?
Russel, Edward
Rutledge, Thomas
Ryan, James
Ryder, Riley
Ryker, Jared S
Samson, John
Box 8:
Sampson, Anne
Sanborn, Lydia
Sandstrom, Borie
Sargent, Samuel
Schaefer, Henry
Schalk, Matilde
Scheible, Christian
Schempp, John
Schermann, Martin
Schieser, Joseph
Schmahl, Roset Opel
Schmitz, Catherine
Schneider, John
Schneider, Crescentia
Schmaltz, Gottlieb
Schreoder, Frederick
Schufft, Frederick
Schumacher, John
Schuman, Christoph
Scott, John
Scott, Patrick
Searle, Abraham
Searle, Gideon
Semelton, John N
Seder, Louis
Sentzke, Leopold/ Clara
Seward, Abel
Shepherd, Jane
Shaw, Samuel D.
Sherwood, Bennezette
Shillock, DG
Shober, John
Slocum, Isaac
Smith, Carlos
Smith, Charles
Smith, Christian and John Schumacher
Smith, John
Smith, John H
Smith, Lorenzo
Smith, Thomas and Ellen
Smith, William
Soloman, Lars
Sommer, William
Sonnenbberg, William
Spelbrink, Christopher
Spencer, John
Spencer, Julin E
Spieker, John
Stauffer, William
Steel, Edwin
Steimle, Adolph
Stone, Edwin
Stoner, Samuel
Streseman, Christian
Strohheker and Hoer
Streckmann, Fredrick
Stroem, Andrew
Sullivan, Andrew
Sullivan, Patrick
Summers, John and Amanda
Sutherland, Spencer
Sylvester, Dien P
Swanson, Nels
Sweet, Julia
Sylvester, Dondieve
Syverson, Christian
Taylor, Alpheus
Taylor, Dudley
Terpening, Marenus
Thayer, Levi
Theders, Bernard H.
Thiele, Lewis
Thinnes, Nicholas
Thoman, David
Thomas, Richard
Thompson, Sarah H.
Thomason, Thomas
Thompson, Jacob
Thormadson, Peter
Tomlinson, George B
Torbenson, John
Torkelson, John
Torrey, William D.
Towler, John
Trask, John W.
Trautmann, Joseph
Travis, John
Trescott, Solon
Trowbridge, Henry R.
Trumble, Robert
Unger, John F.
Urban, Johann Jacob
Vincent, Levi
Wabasha, Chief
Wade, Alonzo
Waggoner, George W.
Waggoner, Oscar F.
Wakefield, John L and Sara
Warnake, Frederick
Washburn, Stephen
Webster, Rose Ann
Weeks, Nathan
Wehrs, Theodor
Weidenwitsch, Charles
Weis, Joseph L
Wendland, William
Wernz, Nikodimus
West, Emily J
Weston Isaac M
Westrup, John
Weymouth, Lowell S
Whalen, John
Whips, Daniel
White, Charles L.
White, George G.
White, Sylvanus
White, Nathan and Urania Frazer White and Jehiel Wedge
Whiteman, Russell W.
Box 9:
Whitney, Hannah D.
Whiton, Eliza and Laura
Wiegand, John and Dedrick
Wilkinson, Chauncey
Williams, David D
Williams, Martha M
Williams, Thomas D
Williams, William B
Wiltsey, Simeon
Winnerstrand, Oscar F
Wise, Henry D.
Woehler, Charles
Woehler, Leopold
Wood, Leman A.
Woodbury, Mary
Woodcock, Elijah
Woodsworth John M
Wright, John G
Yess, Michael
Young, John
Young, Mary Louisa
Zabel, Louise
Zagrodsky, Victor and Emily
Zander, Hubert
Zaubel, Louise
Zeiher, Elizabeth
Zens, Peter
Ziegler, Marie
Zimmerman, John and Mary
"Zitzlaff Family Massacre"
Zolner, Robert
General Topics:
"Native Sons of Minnesota" papers
Misc phtocopies
Fort Snelling
Sioux Uprising Claims for Depredations, military service, etc.
Farmers, Indians
Trails of Tears
1860 Census
Lower Sioux Agency
MN County Legislation
Dakota War Monuments
Jackson County
Lake Shetek, Murray County
Shared History- MNHS
Pensions- Scouts
Orphans and insane
War claims
Depredation claims misc.
MN Legislature, Current
Mini Bio examples
- Modern genealogy research papers and publications covering European families involved during and after US/Dakota War of 1862. Some Native American info.
- Event: Donated by Mary Bakeman, author, on 11 June 2023. Accession 2023.066
Conditions Governing Use
MMVM does not hold copyright to this collection. We recognize that it is incumbent upon the researcher to procure permission to publish information from this collection from the owner of the copyright.
Biographical / Historical
Donor, Mary Bakeman, is the author and propriator of Park Genealogical Books.
13 Linear Feet (9 standard Gaylord banker's boxes and one USB thumb drive with digital files.)
Language of Materials
- Status
- In Progress
- Author
- Daniel Ewer, Archivist
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum Repository
Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum
Camp Ripley
15000 Highway 115
Little Falls MN 56345 United States