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Aviation photos, negatives, slides, 1932-33

Identifier: Ph 029

Scope and Contents

Folder 1932, 55-60:

- 32.55, aerial photo and negatives

- 32.58, Major Burger, Lt Quigley, Capt Williams, Camp Ripley

1932, 61-71. 35mm slides numbered 31.62 thru 33.80. Aviation:

- Photo prints, 4x6:

- Chuck O'Meara, Ernie Johnson, Bill Cherry, Harry Carlisle, Bob Cherry, John Kallodge?, O-2H a/c Liberty Engine, Camp Ripley, 32.63.1

- Officer of the Day, Lt E.R. Berg, Camp Ripley, 32.69.1, (32-128 on photo negative)

- Sgt Walter Gustofson, Pinky Behrens, A-17 Attack a/c visiting Camp Ripley. 32.64.1 (32-106 on photo negative)

- Lt J.E. Quigley, Capt Jack Palmer, 1st Tam Lane?, Camp Ripley, 32.71.1

- Hal Hesselgarne?, Art Petter, Jake Ahlquist, Peck Capson, C. Weiss, Camp Ripley, 32.61.1

1932, 72-81:

- Lt H.S. Paul, Capt Wm Canby, Capt Todd Nelson, Maj R.S. Miller, Capt J Palmer, Lt Les Wagner, Lt P.J. Calder, Camp Ripley, 32.70.1

- E. Sell, A. Wand, P. Dittes, A. Halloway, P. McKenzie, F. Hadenfield, Shorty Russel, J. Dahlquist, C. Weiss, L. Rydeen, ?. Glenn, T. Omeara, P. Capron, Camp Ripley

- Joe Quigley, J W Williams, Shorty Russel, Joe Westover, Jack Palmer, E. Berg, Tony March, Todd Nelson, Art Lund, Camp Ripley, 32.59.2, 32.59.1

- John Gavin, Nick Lamana, 32.81.11

- Nick Lamana, Bob Cherry, Camp Ripley, 32.81.12

- Fitzgerald, 32.81.14

- Lt Hal Paul, 32.73.34

- Capt Jack Palmer, 32.75.1

- Gen R S Miller, 32.77.1

- BG Phil Bettenberg, Lt Joe Quigley, Sherridan Field MI

1932, 82-87:

- O-38Bs in flight and on runway. Maj R S Miller. Camp Ripley

1932, 88-100

- Early model Stinson Monoplane, Holman Field

- Camp Ripley HQ aerial, 32.93

- 34ID parade

- Planes in flight

- Non-com group. Camp Ripley. Girard, Pelter, Ameloway?, Sell, Hadenfield, Carlisle, Weiss, Ohlender, Eklof?, McKenzie, Gilatoleen?, Capron, Murphy, Hanson, Sawyer, Joster, Cornelius, Baur, Ditles?

- Gustafson, Carlisle

- etc.

1932, 101-110

- NCOs of 109th Observation Squadron. March, Ekloff, Girard, Hawley, Petter, Hodhefield, Weiss, Carlisle, Capron, Baur, Dittes, Olander, Hallaway, MacKenzie, Sell, Murphy, Alquist, Holien, T. O'Mera, Sawyer, Cornelius. Camp Ripley 32.92

- Joe Ohrbeck, Tom Lane, Hal Paul, Pete Rask, Frank Low, Major Miller, Jack Palmer, Lee Smith, Frank Judd, Art Lund, Quigley, John Jenkins, 32.105.1

- Art Lund, Paul Canby, Paul Caller, Wagner, Ernie Berg, Tom Lane, Gil Holien?, Maj RS Miller, Jack Palmer, John Hinkins, Jack Malone, Congeway?, Ed Willets, Quigley, Pete Rack, Frank Howl. Camp Ripley. 32.105.2

- NCO beer party in commo shop. 1932, Camp Ripley. Wand?, Hanson, Davidson, Doamond, Thomas, Youngberg?, Petter, Alquist, Bour, Murphy, Sell, O'Meara, Rapp, Blair, Bray

- Tod? Nelson, Pete Rack, Les Smith, Maj Miller, Punk Canby, Tom Lane, Camp Ripley, 32.108

- Quigley, Hal Paul, Les Smith, Maj Miller, Punk Canby, Tom Lane, Callender, 32.109

- Rapp, Weiss, Sell, Halloway, McKenzie, Alquist, Cafrey?, March. 32.110

1932, 111-126

1932.123.1 Parachute wagon on flight line. Art Lund, H Nelson, J Oherbeck?, P Rask (Highway Chief patrolman), J Malone, P Calder, J Quigley, J Hogin?.

1932.126.1 March, Hodenfield, Hall, Dittes, Weiss, Hasselgranz, O-Meara, Marecei?, Halloway, Caplon,

32.112 109th pilots on flight line. Sgt Starr photographer. Major Miller, Capt Rask, Capt Nelson, Capt Lee Smith, Capt Canby, Capt Lane. Camp Ripley 1932

32.111 Pvt Johnson, S/Sgt Diamond, Camp Ripley.

32.113 Dittas, Ahlquist, Weis, Halloway. Camp Ripley 1930s

1932.114.1 Camp Ripley. Lt Jack Hagin?, Lt Hal Paul, O-38B just before a check ride

1932.115.1 Camp Ripley. Flight line inspection. Maj Ennis, Gen Walsh, Maj Miller, Lt Jack Hogin, Capt Canby

1932.115.2 Camp Ripley. Flight line inspection.

1932.117.1 Camp Ripley. Communications people set up gear by taxi strip.

1932.117.2 Camp Ripley. Small arms range

1932.117.3 Camp Ripley. small arms range

1932.119.1 Camp Ripley. St Paul city officials, Judge Stewart, Mayor William H Fallon (mayor 1938-40), Howard Kahn?, Denny Lane, Gen Walsh and others

1932.124.2 Camp Ripley. Officers and pilots of O-38B aircraft. Jerry Kooms, Jack Hagin, Punk Canby, J Quigley, Forrest Longway, Paul Calder, Jack Galt, Strank, Ohrbeck, Holein, Berg, Morey, Belden, CL Smith, Wagner, L Judd, T Willets

1932.125.1 Camp Ripley. Gaetke, McKenzie, Weiss, Ohlander, Seel, Corneleus, Hasselgrath?

1932.120.1 Camp Ripley. Squadron officers in front of mess hall. Quigley, Lowe, Palmer, Westover, Doc Williams.

1932.121.1 .2

1932.122.1 Curtiss OV5 Robin over NE Minneapolis

Additional planes in flight

1933, 1-14

1933. Negative folder, no negative.

33.5 Photo section. Camp Ripley. Harry carlisle, Roy Skoogland, Bill Diamond, Wally Starr, Phil Dittes

33.7.1 MG Tinley, Major Ray Miller, Camp Ripley

33.8 Flight Line Inspection, Holman Field St Paul

33.9 Camp Ripley. Hal Paul, Frank Low, Doc Longeway, Capt Art Ennis, Les Wagner, Joe Orbeck, Ray Miller, Col Mel Mass, Art Lund, Gil Holien, John Hinkins, Paul Calder, Jack Palmer, Joe Quigley

33.10.1 Camp Ripley. S/Sgt Roy Skoogland, M/Sgt Phil Dittes

33.11 Camp Ripley. 1st Sgt Rover, T/Sgt Ed Rapp, M/Sgt Phil Dittes

33.12.1 Camp Ripley. Gov Floyd B Olson, MG Leach, and staff officers

33.13.1 Capt Jack Palmer, US Air Corps Instructor at an Artillery Adjustment Board

33.14.1-5. Horseplay at camp.

32.99 Greeting card. Aerial photo, Camp Ripley

32.91.1 Camp Ripley. Inspection of air crew and planes

1933, 15-26 Holman Field and Camp Ripley. Kerptone? Bomber

33.15.1 Capt Art Lund and wife

33.10.1 MG George Leach, Gov Floyd Olson, Major R Miller

33.17.1 O'Meara, Davidson, Gustofson, Weiss

33.18.1-4 Y2C-21 Douglas Dolphin Flying Boats. Holman Field

33.18.2 Douglas Y1C-21

33.19.1 Lt Joe Quigley and wife

33.20.1 Capt John Hinkins and wife Clara

33.21.1 Lt Hal Paul

33.22 Nick Lamanna? and Winn Beach

33.23 Great Lake aircraft owned by Lt Ted Willitts

33.24 Photo section personnel

33.25.1 Two vistingin pilots from Guard Bureau. Holman Field. BT-2B aircraft

32.87.6 O-38s flying over Camp Ripley

1933, 27-37

1933.37.1 Camp Ripley. Tony March.

1933.27-34 Willette, Quesada, wives, Berg, Wally Starr, Lane, Wagner, Olson

1933, 40-51

1933.50.1 Two negatives. personnel.

1933.47.1 Sgt Walter Starr, S/Sgt William E Diamond

1933.44.1 Gov Olson, Gen Leach and staff

1933.42.1.2 Parachute wagon on flight line. Art Lund, H Nelson, J Oherbeck?, P Rask (Highway Chief patrolman), J Malone, P Calder, J Quigley, J Hogin?.

1933.51 Capt William C Camby and Corp. Eklof on O38-B over Brainerd lake

1933.41 Camp Ripley. Photo section.

1933. 52-60

1933.54.1 S/Sgt Sam Davidson. Camp Ripley.

1933.55.1 Sgt Ray Skooglund. Camp Ripley.

1933.53.1-2 Code Table, Officers Room, St Paul.

1933.52.1-4 RS Miller, Jack Palmer, officer group, Camp Ripley.

1933.56.1-4 NCO beer party

1932.57.1.2 Capt J Walters Williams, flight surgeon, 109th Observation Squadron

1933. State Fair Hangar, Harold Miles, Harry Hansen, S/Sgt Gilman, Gil Holien and son. Changing of the guard during summer camp, 109th Obs Sq.

1933.59 Camp Ripley. 1st Sgt Bill Burrs

1933, 61-82

1933.70.1 Meeting of adjutant general. Camp Ripley. Lane, Wagner, Ladd, Johnson, Miller, Tinley, Malone, Ohrbeck?

1933.71.1 Camp Ripley. Frank Hednefield, Charles Weiss

1933.76.1 Camp Ripley. Visitors frpm Guard Bureau.

1933.77.1.2 Camp Ripley. 109th pilots. Smith twins, W. Canby, A Nelson, Longeway, Wagner

1933.78.1 O-38Bs

1933.79.1 Gen Tinley, Ray Miller

1933.80.1-4 Holman Field. Lt Smith

1933.81.1.2 Keystone Bomber

1933.68.1 Camp Ripley. Flight Line personnel. Louis Gaethke, Perry McKenzie, Charlie Weiss, Joe Mariscia?, Fred Chandler?, Elmer Sell, George Cornelious, Hal Hesselgrove?

1933.82.1 Flight line personnel

1933.62.1 109th mess sgt and cook

1933.63.1 Major Ennis, Maj Miller, Lt Canby, Col Rossberg. Miller birthday party.

1933.64 109th officer group

1933.65 109th NCO group

1933.61 Xavier Rogers, Ed Rapp, Phil Dittes?

1933.66.1 Ray Miller, Maj Bellenberg and Chad Smith welcome the first nurses (unidentified) assigned to the Guard at Camp Ripley, 1933.

1933.72.1 Holman Field officers. Starr, Hasselgrave, Cornelius, Burrs, davidson, Petter, Bob Cherry, Wand, Olander, Foster, Murphy

1933.69.1 duplicate patrolman photo

1933.67.1 duplicate Tinley, Miller photo

1933.74.1 109th group in front of tents

1933.75.1 O-38s standing inspection, Walsh and Miller

1933, 93-114

33.110 underside of O-38Bs in flight formation

33.114 underside of O-38Bs in flight formation


  • 1932-1940
  • Event: Donor and accession unknown. Many photographs signed Fred Murphy who may have been photographer and/or donor. Database entry 29 Dec 2024.

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MMVM may, or may not, hold copyrights to materials in this collection. Donors who own copyrights to their donated materials, i.e., photos taken by their grandfather, typically donate their copyrights to MMVM as indicated on the Donation Gift Form. We recognize it is incumbent upon the researcher to procure permission to copy or publish information from this collection from the owner of the copyright.


.5 Linear Feet (One grey flip-top archival box. Shelf 8-C-2.)

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Daniel Ewer, Archivist
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Repository Details

Part of the Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum Repository

Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum
Camp Ripley
15000 Highway 115
Little Falls MN 56345 United States