Box Assorted Collections 3
Contains 23 Results:
Peterson, Rudolph papers
Kusi, Chester papers
Nelson, Nathan collection
Donation includes:
Personal equipment, forwarded to Collections.
Photos: battle damaged B-17, Everett High School,
post cards
Get That Fighter shooting guidance manual 1943
Central High School, Mpls, Commemcement program 1945, includes class roster
Buckingham Army Air Field, Fort Mysers Florida ca. 1942
Depew, William papers
Stevens, Roger collection
Photos in Japan 1950s
funeral program
MN National Guard Assoc General Confernce program 1990
Mpls Tribune Picture Magazine newspaper, Nov 8 1964, MN Role in WWI
Kalahar, Patrick photos
Fort Snelling Dispensary photo
Fort Snelling winter barracks photo
5th US Cavalry in Camp at Chatfield Minn. 7.12.12 postcard, 1912
No 120 Waiting for our Mail. Camp Lewis Tacoma Wash. Roland postcard, 1918
(2) 7 STU Infantry 72. OCS class photos. Kalahar in photos.
Staff Hq 47th S and T Bn group photo, LTC Walter Kosel commanding, Camp Ripley 1968. Kalahar in photo
Hill, Ada photo
Photo annotated:
Clare Dahlen, 819 N. 40th Ave W.
Irene Tyo? 4326 W. 1st St.
Irene Razinka? 407 Mesaba Ave.
Katherine Hall, 407 Mesaba Ave.
Gene/Gina Dennis, 4732 Pitt St. Lake 352
Mrs Hansen, 4319 W. 5th St Cal 1537
Mrs. Berg 801 Arrowhead Road, Hern? 2050
Mrs. Chinn? 5 St. Louis Court
Diploma, Edith Perry, 1 July 1926, Aitkin, MN
USS Mpls St Paul Commissioning papers
Magazine format yearbook
Event parking pass
Safety info card
Chariman's reception program
photo post card
Additional info cards
Viers, David papers
WWII ration book
Horable discharge document
History of the 20th Balloon Company roster
Death notification
Post cards
Gospel of Mark